
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Walk in Lauterbrunnen

Blog by E!

On Sunday we had some time in the morning before my family had to catch their train to Italy, so we decided to go to Lauterbrunnen. We walked a little ways past Staubbach Falls and then walked back along the river. 

At the falls there is a little rest area. L loved looking at the sheep. T spent his time doing rock science experiments in the suspicious water fountain.

There were dozens of paragliders in the air. We even saw a couple of base jumpers (who jump off the mountain at the top of the falls, freefall, and then open their chutes pretty close to the ground). This one even had a bat like gliding suit for the freefall. A saw him in the landing field later. She and the girls thought he looked like Dracula, because his big black and red suit looked like a cape. Basejumping is very dangerous. Someone died near Brienz (the town between Ballenberg and Aareschlucht, where we were) on Saturday.

We went back to the hotel to pick up our luggage and had a quick lunch, including a cheese taste test of the cheese from Ballenberg, before catching our trains. 

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