
Saturday, May 24, 2014


After going to the Ballenberg museum on Saturday we went to Aareschlucht where there is a path through the Aare river gorge. Some parts of the path are carved out of the cliffs on the side. Most of it is a wooden platform hanging off the side of the cliff. I usually don't like bridges, but this was okay. Even in the spots where it was so low or narrow that I had to contort the stroller. 

We went all the way to the end of the gorge. There were lots of stairs at the end, but E was able to carry the stroller over those parts.

There really isn't much to say about a walk along a gorge other than that this one had a very good variety of scenery, width, water violence, and light. We went from west to east, thinking it might be best in terms of not shooting photos toward the sun. I don't think that made any difference since we were in a gorge, but I did like that we were walking opposite the flow of the river, which is prettier to me.

Between the train station and the gorge was this bridge which was completely wrapped in knitting.

That's Grandpa with L on the bottom right. L wanted to do a lot of walking, and chose Grandpa as her main assistant on flat parts and Aunt P for the stairs.

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