
Monday, December 30, 2013

Santa was here

L with her recycling truck.

When we got back from Saas-Fee there was nothing at all under the Christmas tree. Santa had left everything in my closet so I could take care of it and the kids could wake up on Saturday and have a belated Christmas morning. So that is what we did. We followed our usual Christmas routine as closely as possible, including brunch.

T helping L unwrap

The kids really seemed to enjoy their gifts. R is going to spend some of her cash from her grandparents on a serious Thames and Kosmos chemistry set. Her plan is to take over half the garage when we get home and set up a lab. S wants to go paragliding again. No surprise there! She was also thrilled to get a package of real candy canes from Grammie! The kids got Swiss playmobil sets: a playground with a zipline, an Alpine descent cow parade, a hiking family set complete with a working suspicious water fountain, and a mountain hut. T also got a rescue helicopter complete with victim. T's favorites, though, seemed to be his "guys." He has a large stuffed shark from R and S which he named Carl, an Ironman, and a batman uglidoll. L got a doll named "Baby" and an accessory set with diaper, bowl, spoon, and bottle. L loves Baby. She has hardly let go of her, which is wonderful because she has finally stopped kidnapping T's baby Bruce.

L and Baby

We spent the whole weekend sleeping in, eating stocking candy, nibbling at Christmas bread, playing with new toys, reading in hot baths, listening to Christmas music, and watching tv - including the Doctor Who Christmas episode. (None of the females in the house were impressed with the new doctor, but E likes the fact that the doctor is older than he is again.) It was a wonderful relaxing weekend.

A tea party with the Barbapapa macaron tea set R and S got for L.

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