
Saturday, September 7, 2013


Note: R posted about her school trip. I'm not sure everyone saw it because the Adventure??? post went up so soon afterwards. Doesn't that hike look a little crazy with sections so steep they put ladder rungs in the rock, and others so narrow they had to add the steps and handles? On top of that everything was wet from the fog/clouds. I'm glad R was back before I knew about any of it!

The weather was supposed to be awful today, so we all decided to sleep in late. E wanted to ride the electric bike with the littles to the cheap grocery store in the next town over.  The girls and I went into Zurich. The plan had been to go to the flea market and then the design museum, but the weather was beautiful so we walked around a bit instead and relaxed at a cafe. We'll go to the museum another time.

View from Grossmunster tower. The church on the left has Marc Chagall stained glass windows.

The flea market was a bust. There was absolutely nothing there that interested us other than a pair of overpriced shoes R liked and these tin eggs:
Then we walked around old town for a while, stopping in at a few of the small chocolate shops where the girls each chose one thing so they could compare and contrast. There was no winner, but S did like the window decorations and packaging best at Teuscher. Their window was incredibly colorful with a sort of jungle theme and huge parrots. We couldn't get a picture because of glare. But we did take this picture of their door which forbids dachshunds in the store. Sorry, Bella!

Also, I thought the sign below it was a no smoking sign, but it really has no element of "no." And was it really necessary to specify no cigarettes or cigars or pipes or even lit matches? If someone comes up with something else to smoke will they be allowed?

This street had tons of shops and cafes and these hangings all down the length of it.  It was even prettier in person. We all agreed we should go back or Christmas since those cross wires must be used for decorations. When we were in London and Paris around the New Year a few years ago we were very impressed with the lights hanging across the streets.

We climbed the Grossmunster tower. That is something we definitely could not have done with the little ones. Look at those stairs. There was also an extremely narrow stone spiral section. That's normal for that sort of thing, but this one was so narrow people couldn't pass each other and had to backtrack. You can see R's school in the picture below of the view.  It is just to the right of the spire, with all the trees in front of it. It's pretty big since it's a high school. When we went back downstairs the man who had sold us our tickets gave R a black and white postcard. We thought it was probably a photo of the cathedral. No, it was a photo of geese crossing railroad tracks.

We took advantage of being on our own to explore some not so stroller friendly streets. This one had a mural of Gollum fishing. We wondered about that.

Finally, we did a little shopping for some household stuff, and found this. Remember we were told that we should get even more insurance that we already have to be absolutely sure that we are covered if we need to be evacuated off a mountain?  Because it happens SO often? Well, we're looking into it on Monday. It really MUST happen all the time if playmobil manufactured a mountain evacuation scene!


  1. the insurance is important. Climbers in Oregon and Washington are always advised to have it and most people on the coast also have evacuation insurance to fly them to hospitals in the valley. Gma

  2. E checked and our normal health insurance supposedly covers medical evacuation. I just want to be very sure since our coverage is so bad in every way compared to what we had in Massachusetts.

  3. Oh my gosh! The Playmobil mountain evac is making me laugh so hard! That would be like the "Narragansett Life Guard CPR Crew" or the "Six Flags Scrape Your Brains Off The Broken Ride Again Team." Priceless!
