
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Odds and ends

Here is a post to tide over the family until the girls write theirs.  These are just a few pictures that I think are interesting, but didn't really fit in my other posts.

ALSO - I've been told that when I divide my posts so that they do not take up the entire front page it is hard to notice the place where you can click to read the rest of the post. I am using a template, so I have no idea how to change that.  But I will divide this post and try to show you where it is.  You just have to click on the words "CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF THIS POST."

This is why we don't go somewhere great every day.  The kids get exhausted and fall asleep wherever -even in the middle of playing. That is L's doll Miss Grenadine with her. 
They do a lot better with a day in between train trips.
This is the long steep hill from the train station to our apartment.  It doesn't look as bad as it is. I can get up it now with just L in the stroller, but when T is in the stroller, too, and I have groceries on my back I have to stop halfway and catch my breath.

YAY! While we are on the subject, I have a few things along the sides of this main column, too.

* On the left there is a link to a map of where we have been.  If you zoom in on the map you can see our routes.
* The right column should have a clock with our local time. The clock looks just like the ones in the train stations here.
* There should also be a place to follow by email. Whether that tells you when there is a new posting or sends the posting into your email, I don't know. I hope someone will subscribe and tell me!
* There is a comments box below. I love getting comments! Don't worry if they don't show up immediately.  They will, I just have to approve them before they get posted to avoid automated ads for viagra, etc. Of course I'm going to approve all your comments!
* I will probably add a few more gadgets as time goes on. It's fun to see what sorts of things people have created for blogs.

Our farmers market purchases.

Here is T on a small playground zip line at the Luzern lido. 

This is another thing fairly common in playgrounds here - a little water play area.

Before anyone in the US gets too envious of the cool playgrounds - know that sometimes they are just bizarre. (And they are always dangerous!)

This picture doesn't show it very well, but the Rhein view at Stein-am-Rhein is a lot like the view across the narrows from near my Dad's house in Wakefield to Harbor Island. 

There are waterfalls everywhere!
This log is a water fountain where E filled our bottles.  There weren't very many hikers around, but dozens of cows. Doesn't it look like it might be there for the cows? E thinks I am crazy to question the water, though, especially when I drink it anyway.

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