
Monday, September 2, 2013

Queen of the clouds

Have you ever flown through the clouds? Well, this is S telling you what it's like.

Pretty much, you run down a hill on a mountain with a parachute and you get lifted into the air. We started the day getting there on a train. Then we waited at a train station for a special van that would take us and other paragliders up to the mountain where we lifted off. R, M and I got to choose who we wanted to paraglide with. I chose a really nice guy named Kurt. Mama says that she thinks everyone got a partner perfect for them. R's and mine did cool tricks and Mama's went suuuuper easy.

When finished choosing our partners we got our harnesses and helmets.  And, if we thought we might get cold, a jacket. Our harnesses were kind of like a chair with really good seatbelts. Then they laid out the parachutes and attached us to them. R was the first to try to take off. Her first attempt was somewhat bad. She ended up rolling down the hill with her instructor. Mama was worried that her instructor might not be all that great. But her second attempt was flawless. When it was my turn my instructor and I ran down the hill. The takeoff was a little bumpy because my legs were so much shorter than his that he was kind of carrying me a little bit. After takeoff it was pretty much a smooth relaxing ride. The harness is kind of like a chair so we are pretty much sitting down on our harness. The instructor was sitting behind me, so I was sitting on his lap as well as sitting on the chair.

It is so exciting that you can hardly tell that it is so cold that you are numb. Everything below was really really small. You would think that since it's pretty much a parachute you would just glide down and that's it, but you actually go up even higher. I got a couple of pictures of myself taken. We talked a little bit about where he lived, how fun paragliding is, and how beautiful  everything was from up above.  A little bit later he asked me if I like roller coasters. I said, "Yes, very much." And then we did a couple of tricks. The tricks were so cool and exciting you could feel the wind pressure pushing against your face and it felt like you were getting crushed. We did a turn so tight that we almost went upside down! We did a bunch of spirals and it was really cool.

Finally it was time to land. The landing was cool. You glide down and then you kind of land on your legs and have to bend them to avoid your knees buckling. After the landing R ran over to me and showed me a wind sock and told me what her flight was like. We found Mama and Kurt gave me a ipad so I could look at the pictures. I liked the pictures, so I got them. I saved all my money to go paragliding and I definitely thought it was worth it! If you ever go paragliding the same place we go paragliding, I'd recommend Kurt. Kurt attached the pictures he gave me to a wind sock, and I got a wind sock, too.

R coming in for a landing

As soon as I got off I said that it was one of the best things I've ever done.

After finishing paragliding and getting all unhooked and stuff we went to the next train station. When we got off the train we walked a long long way and we saw a huge huge waterfall. It was off a cliff so it turned into mist and there were mini waterfalls under it. After walking for a while we went to a place where you could go into a cave and see waterfalls up close. Unfortunately, Mama had to stay back with L because the waterfalls would hurt L's ears. It was super duper loud, so I understand why L had to stay back. There were several steps you had to climb up so you had to be super careful because they were slippery.

When we got back we took a gondola to a mountain hostel. There was a nice playground out front and we had dinner there. After that we took a walk and went to bed. On our walk we saw a really interesting store called an honesty shop. There was no one running it, so you just took your stuff, left the money, and went. I personally thought it was a really really bad idea because someone could just take everything and leave.

The room had a triple decker bunk bed and I got the top bunk! Yay!

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