
Thursday, September 19, 2013


I'm editing this post to add a picture. It's kind of boring without one. What I should have done today is set up a flickr account so the family can see pictures of us, too, and not just stuff. It is getting harder and harder to resist including pictures of the kids. I'll make myself feel okay about it because L is obscured by sugar.

I'll be surprised if the title of this post doesn't get my Dad's attention. The only thing he likes better than making a list is crossing things off his list.

I am feeling a little frustrated today because this is one of those days when my plans didn't work out. I wanted to get an early start and go for a hike. But instead of being beautifully sunny it was rainy and cloudy this morning. Again! Since the whole point of this hike is the view, and because the littles were tired, sluggish, and stuffed up, I decided not to go. I have a rainy day back up plan, but it was a bust, too. I wasn't able to leave early enough.  One person wasn't unhappy about my change in plans: S came home from school and was surprised with a hot lunch. Also, I have been able to plan and pack for the weekend.

So what does this have to do with lists? A few things. First, I am going to spend some of my down time today re-doing my master list of things to do and see so that it is more realistic. We do not move as quickly as I expected, and the littles need days off sometimes to rest. I am starting to feel bad when I'm not able to cross things off my original less realistic list, even when they are things that weren't very important to me. So I am going to prioritize and make a better list that I can feel good about.

Also, I might try to reconcile our finances so far and think about what we will do over October vacation. I had been thinking we would go to Italy and see as much as we could. Now I am thinking it would be better to go to Rome for a few days and maybe see some inconvenient parts of southern Switzerland on the way home.

Finally, I want to start some fun lists that I can add to while we're here. Here they are:

nationalities of people we've met (that I know of)
1. Swiss
2. American
3. Canadian
4. British
5. Maltese
6. Liechtensteiner
7. German
8. Portugese
9. New Zealander
10. Colombian
11. French
12. Chinese
13. Spanish
14. Italian

number of Swiss cantons (like states) visited out of 26 total
1. Zurich
2. Bern
3. Schaffhausen
4. St Gallen
5. Luzern
6. Basel City
7. Graubunden

There is a link to a map showing where we have been in the left column. It is easiest to see, I think, if you view the map in map mode rather than satellite.

modes of transportation taken
1. limo
2. plane
3. car
4. train
5. gondola lift
6. ferry
7. funicular
8. paraglider
9. tram
10. chairlift
11. zipline
12. bike
13. bus
14. trotti bike
15. aerial tramway
16. elephant

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