
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Quiet Wednesday

On Wednesdays the girls have a half day of school. They are both home by about 12:30. When I first heard about this I imagined that we would do all sorts of things on Wednesday afternoons.  So far, though, we haven't. Since we try to go somewhere every weekend day, the girls really like having Wednesdays to relax a little or catch up on school work. I suppose we will go places on some Wednesdays, but not anywhere as far off as I had hoped. To go anywhere we pretty much have to go through Zurich. The train is about ten minutes away. It goes every half hour and takes about twenty minutes to the center of the city. Then we go from there. If we want to go somewhere on a Wednesday I would first feed the kids lunch. That means our earliest possible train would be at 1:26 getting in around 1:50. So we could spend a few hours at a museum in Zurich, for example. But if we wanted to go to Bern or Basel we wouldn't be there until three at the earliest and would have an hour and a half ride home. It's not really worth it when the girls really want to relax.  So we will just get to know Zurich and the local hikes well.

Today's shopping, including the fig walnut bread and some fish (thinking of you, Dad!)
Notice the pumpkin slice.

I have decided that on days when we don't go anywhere I will try to get to the Oerlikon market. It's a good market, it's the easiest to get to, and the bread vendor who sells addictive fig walnut bread is there. Also, the kids get a kick out of having a market lunch buffet. 
T all bundled up and enjoying his carrot bribe.

A few things I learned today: 
1. Oerlikon train station does have a ramp - no more folding and carrying the stroller on stairs.
2. When I get to the market I have to buy two carrots immediately to keep L and T happy.
3. The weather can change quickly. I felt fine when we left the house - nicely cool - but the temperature fell to about 55 and T and I were cold in shorts.
4. When T gets tired of taking pictures you end up with lots of close up shots of body parts - his and other people's. So no more guest photographer posts for a while - until it becomes interesting to him again.
5. The market guys will cut pumpkins and large squash to order. I asked for a kilo. The guy cut a slice from a whole pumpkin, but was off by about 50 grams. I had to stop him from trimming it down so it would be perfect. No one is likely to come around looking to buy 50 grams of pumpkin!

T is interested in the camera, then less interested

Even less interested.
Has totally lost interest in the market.

Three lunches, made to order. R stayed late at school for German.

One of these cherry tomatoes is a tiny plum! Luckily the tiny plum has a tiny pit, since L didn't seem to notice the pit in the one I gave her.

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