
Saturday, August 17, 2013

We try hiking again

After our first hike, we chose this hike very carefully.  It was the Toggenburg sound trail.  It is an easy walk with built in stops which were different musical instrument and sound installations along the way. Also, there was a cable car halfway through if we wanted to stop.
L needs more cowbell!

T is a little nervous about the cows. L hikes on her own for a little while.

Most of the mountain restaurants have a playground.

T checks out the slide. L did this one, too. She loves big slides!

We did the whole trail without much trouble.  T got a little tired and E's back ached a bit from carrying L, but it was nothing like the discomfort of the Grindelwald hike.  We enjoyed ourselves during the hike, not just after it was done.  At the end E and I sat at the restaurant while the kids played.  There was a trampoline, sandbox, and some goats.  We had rosti.  It was closer to a hashbrown that a potato pancake, but I hear everyone makes them differently.
We passed Hotel Friedegg on the way home. Maybe we were over tired, but it made us laugh.

So now we have tried a few Swiss specialties.  Chocolate, obviously, rösti, raclette, and alpler macron (macaroni and cheese with bacon and applesauce and I can't remember what else.) T is crazy for Rivella.  He wants it whenever he sees it.  I wonder if he might have a deficiency in its main ingredient.  It is hard to read, but that says 35% milchserum.  Translation: milk serum.  That sounds awful until you realize that milk serum is just whey.  As is curds and whey.  Nothing refreshes like a good old whey soda.


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