
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The young photographer

We went back to the farmer's market today. I'd like to try some of the other markets, but Burkliplatz is so incredibly convenient and pretty.

When we got off the train this morning the stroller was making a strange noise.  I think it could be the brake not disengaging completely, but I pumped up one of the tires just in case. To do that I had to take out both kids. When I was done L scrambled up onto the front seat as fast as she could. I don't think she especially likes it since she is always more restless there, but she took it anyway. That caused a problem. T is too big to sit underneath and complains about walking. He eventually stopped whining about walking to the market when I promised he could sit in front and use the camera when we got there.

Here are his pictures - all front page material with his captions. Click pictures to enlarge!
I took this picture because I want the leaf to be a surprise.
I took it cause I like the bag.

It's a nice color.
I like radishes cause it looks so reddy.

I like carrots because they're orange and that's my favorite color, too.
I like this so much because I wanted to put it on the shelf.

That looks so funny. I want to show people my eyes.
I like a carrot.

After a while he got bored and gave me the camera.

The currants were 2.80 at Oerlikon. It deserves another chance.

Odd shapes and unusual sizes and colors are popular.
Why for vegetables, but not for people?

These two are the same stand

I came expecting to buy gladiolas, but I decided to get these for S. 
That squash is enormous! I wonder what it looked like whole.

A fight is about to break out. See how L is pushing on the back of T's seat?
That's one reason she is wearing slippers. The other is she throws shoes overboard.

And there are more pictures. Though blogger seems to be limiting me. I'll have to look into that.

Mini line-up: a medium sized apple, squash, carrot, cuke, apple, plum.

S's lunch.

1 comment:

  1. That's a healthy lunch!....still looking for the Lays Potato Chips in the mix
    Aunt K.
