
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Jet lag strikes

It rained all day.  After a quick walk down to the grocery store for lunch and snacks, I left the kids in the girls' hotel room with every electronic thing and charger we have and I slept.  It was only supposed to be for an hour or so, but R and S let me sleep until dinner.  They are so good!  I felt bad about not bringing them somewhere, but there were a couple of hours in the afternoon when I don't know if I could have stayed awake.  I was starting to have mini hallucinations.  Maybe E is right when we says exhaustion hits on the second day. I was exhausted.  The trip was the first time I've ever gone a full 24 hours (or more) without sleep.  Even in labor with the kids I always managed to catch some sleep.

But there was a nice surprise after dinner.  Dessert was a fruit buffet and chocolate fountain.  The hotel people had a photographer there and asked if we would mind if the kids are in any photos they might put on their website.  We didn't mind.  We have a pretty American legal view and had no particular expectation of privacy.  But I don't think the kids will make the site.  T didn't stand still long enough to be photographed and L had a pretty sinister looking chocolate moustache.

We are often surprised by how different the legal system must be here.  For example, at the beach there is a big diving platform into the lake.  Kids hang off the diving board, go off a couple at a time, and do all sorts of things that would have an American lifeguard going crazy.  Here the bademeisters are barely noticeable and are more vocal about things like footwear and umbrella placement than what goes on on the high dive.  Maybe it's no wonder the Swiss are really into insurance?  We have gotten lots of advice  from lots of people to get lots of different insurance. Particularly, we HAVE to get insurance that will cover being airlifted off a mountain.  It happens all the time.

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