
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Freaky clown doll

This morning S and I went to the Oerlikon market. Everyone was buying greens, radiccio, and cabbages. The cabbages are all so pretty. I'm going to look up some recipes this week because next time I won't be able to resist one.  Interestingly, we saw some really big vegetables including a sugarloaf cabbage and an escarole which each took up its whole crate.

After that we went to Brockihaus, the used stuff store where we did some of our Christmas shopping. This time around we found something for L's birthday. Then we had to decide whether to bring home some Thai takeout from the shop near the station (Chiang Mai!) or try to find the big brocki - Brockiland. We went to Brockiland, which is in an old underground parking garage on the other side of town.

Heading into Brockiland

 Brockiland was practically empty, as you can see from the top picture. What they did have looked like it came from the estate of a crazy cat lady. Still, it was fun to look together, and we did find a couple of things we wanted. We got a couple of cookie cutters, a bread basket liner with Swiss crosses on it, and a potty for L. As we were leaving S was very indignant that she had to carry the bagless potty down the busiest street in the busiest city in the country. I took a picture of her angry face which is hilarious but which she won't let me post and then we very quickly juggled our groceries so that it was safely hidden in a bag.

Typical wares. That is one of the cookie cutter bins. 

We considered bringing this home to torture E, who is majorly creeped out by dolls, but it was too horrible. (He doesn't even like the picture! And he named this post.)

1 comment:

  1. Now that is a doll that can stay right in Brockiland where it belongs!!!!!!!!
    Grandma A :)
