
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

And Happy Hanukkah!

We weren't going to celebrate Thanksgiving today since we had our dinner last weekend, but we kind of ended up doing something anyway. As I cleaned the kitchen in preparation for having S's friends over for a birthday lunch tomorrow I realized it would be easiest if I cooked the potatoes that were taking up  the counter. While I was at it, I could get rid of the onions, too, if I made more stuffing. And E had some leftover chicken in the fridge. However, at dinner none of the kids wanted any of it. They were anxious to try the pot yogurts. They did and couldn't eat another bite. After that S took over the kitchen to make birthday brownies for her class.

So none of that was very Thanksgivingish, but we were able to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade live via the computer! R even made it home from school in time for the finale. L was mesmerized by the balloons but really went crazy when the Sesame Street float showed up. She was bouncing up and down, pointing, and screaming, "Grober!" (Grover.) T was just losing interest when the power rangers, the teenage mutant ninja turtles, and the Spiderman balloon showed up in quick succession. For some reason Santa didn't interest him very much. I think there must be some confusion about Santa because T had questions that he couldn't quite express and so he ended up asking, "What's he doing?" Then, when I answered, "No, Mama, what's he doing?" 

I am going to ask R to write a post next week. Once again there are strange doings at school. Tomorrow night she has a mandatory party at school which runs until 1 a.m. (getting home is her problem) and at which she has to do a Charleston dance solo. We're not the only ones who think that's strange, right?

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