Today we all had to go in to Zurich and have photos, fingerprints, and finger scans taken for our residence permits. We also had to present our passports and visas and match the signatures. So now we should be all done with paperwork. No more worries that something may have slipped by us and we'll be deported. I felt pretty confident once we'd paid all the fees, but now it's official.
T and L didn't have to be fingerprinted or any of that - they just had their photos taken. I don't know how much use or protection that is to anyone. T's passport picture was taken when he was only a couple of weeks old.
One thing I wanted to do today - rent our skis for the winter. I totally forgot. That's really a pain because it means that E will have to leave work early someday soon or we will have to set aside a hunk of some Saturday, seriously limiting where we can go that day. All the shops close around 6 here. The ski shop closes at 4 on Saturdays. Nothing is open on Sundays.
Because the post needs pictures, here are some we took on the infamous mountain hut hike. Switzerland is known for its often hidden shelter and defense bunkers - barns that aren't barns, and that sort of thing. We even have our suitcases stored in a bomb shelter in the basement since until not so long ago apartments were required to have one. Still, we were surprised to see these in what seemed to be not so strategic places.
Are the hidden shelters left over from WWII or were they built post-war in case of WWIII?